Sunday, January 07, 2007

Jason Collett Idols of Exile

I've been spending some time with Jason Collett's solo album Idols of Exile. Most of you probably know that Jason is the guitarist for Broken Social Scene but this album is a big departure from the BSS sound. Idols of Exile is out on the ultra hip Arts & Crafts label, home of BSS, Feist, Phoenix the Dears and plenty of others. The album as a whole is very strong he really knows his way around a catchy chorus. Most of the tracks on the disc are winners with Hangover Days and Pink Night being standouts for me. I think my favorite tune is Pink Night. It has a fantastic opening line and the line about what his girlfriend calls him always makes me think of okryan ,creator of the lamest blog ever. Download - Jason Collett - Pink Night
Download - Jason Collett - Hangover Days

1 comment:

jds said...

I caught him with Flatlander back in the summer at Higher Ground (I think he opened for Rogue Wave). Really great show. He played with quite the group of mustached men.