Saturday, December 31, 2005
The Shows
1. Arcade Fire / The Black Keys What Made Milwaukee Famous Stubb’s Bar b que Austin, Tx
By far the best show I have ever been to. This was my first time to see a show at stubb’s and the first time I’ve ever eaten a bar-b-que sandwich during a show. And a kid in line gave us some chicken strips. The Arcade Fire are my band of the year. All the hype about their live show is true. They rocked the roof off of the place. There was so much going on that I could only process a small fraction of what was going on. They started with Wake Up and 5 Years by Bowie was in there somewhere amongst most of Funeral and part of their first album. That was the first show in a while that had me dancing and moving the entire time. The Black Keys opened and were once again amazing. The opener was a local band What made Milwaukee famous. They were very good and very nervous.
2. Ryan Adams and the Cardinals The Gypsy Tea room Dallas, TX
Emily’s brother got me drunk on the way to this show so Ryan Adams and I showed up in the same state. There were some amazing moments in the show. Ryan Fell apart after abusing some jerks up front and stormed off of the stage giving be a chance to hit the bathroom. He came back after the break in even better form and wearing a t-shirt. At one point during the second set he left the stage and led a sing along of Come Pick Me Up while standing on the bar. He also did a countyed up verson of Dear Chicago.
3. The Black Keys / Henchmen /El Paso Hot Button The Green Door Oklahoma City, Ok
Most of you know that the Green Door is a tiny venue. We were so close for the Black Keys that we sat on the stage during breaks. We were right in front of the drum kit(which was on the very edge of the tiny stage) and would periodically get hit by broken drum sticks. If you never been to a Black keys show it’s hard to describe, two guys are able to fill the room with an absolute fog of blues drenched rock. We got to meet both of them after the show and they were unbelievably gracious. I don’t remember much of the henchmen but the opener was this one man band El Paso Hot Button. He sat down and played jack White style guitar while playing a modified trap set with his feet. He told okryan to stop taking pictures.
4. Bright Eyes / The Faint /Airborn Audio Cain’s Ballroom Tulsa, Ok
Finally I’ve seen bright eyes. He was touring on the Digital Ash album so he played most of that album and a couple of songs from Fevers and Mirrors. The Faint opened up and blew me away, I am now a Faint fan for life. Bright Eyes had several members of the Faint as his backing band along with Nick Zimmer of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. The most disturbing part of the show was that Conor wore a hooded sweatshirt with the hood up for the first few songs and it was hot as hell.
5. Kings of Leon / The Features Cain’s Ballroom Tulsa, Ok
I believe that the Kings of Leon played every song off of both off their albums at this show. They announced that they had family there and then commenced to rock. They sounded great. The rock was loud and dirty. The Feature were the openers and were beyond belief. I bought one of their albums at the show and had it signed. Once again they were great guys. I predict that they will be pretty big in the new year. The only drawback to this particular show involves the new practice at the Cain’s of offering six packs for sale. The show was pretty short so we were pretty drunk at the end of it and were slightly concerned about getting home but we made it. This was also the first time I ever witnessed someone order a pizza to a concert. I guess being a pretty girl has its advantages.
6. Wilco The Orpheum Memphis, TN
This was a Christmas present from Ryan And Emily and what a present it was. We made a day of it hitting Graceland, eating honest to god one pound burgers and after the show hanging out on Belle Street in the rain. I have to say a couple of things abut the venue. It was this beautiful old theatre with lots of gilt carvings and carpet and seats. Wilco was amazing. They played a pretty good mix of old and new ad they were all sick with the flu.
7. Gomez The Cains Tulsa, Ok
This is the only show I saw without okryan this year. In his place was the much prettier Brittian. I really only knew a couple of Gomez’s songs before going to this show in the middle of the week. It was a very light crowd but every single person seemed into the show. The band rocked like the place was packed to the rafters, much respect to them for going all out.
8. Kasabien The Cains Tulsa, Ok
Ryan and I just went to this show on a whim. We had heard good things about them and the show was cheap and we had money so away we went. They put on a great show to another undersold house. Clubfoot sounded great live really the whole set was perfect.
9. Snow Patrol The Cains Tulsa, Ok
This is another show we just went to for the hell of it. I constantly played the new cd the week leading up to the show and by the time the show rolled around G! was wishing we had bought her a ticket and found a sitter. I was afraid to tell her how moving it was to hear Run being sung by so many people at once, she would have hit me.
Friday, December 30, 2005
Top 30 Albums of 2005
I do need to say that the album that i've listened to the most this year is Funeral by the Arcade Fire but it wasn't released this year. Another group that i've discovered this year is Bishop Allen but alas no releases this year, check out Busted Heart.
My favorite song of the year is The Trapeze Swinger by Iron & Wine. Well i guess that ties up the loose ends so here is the list.
- Sufjan Stevens Illinoise
2. Bright Eyes I’m wide awake it’s morning
I love it that Conor’s musical development has followed the path of my musical growth. With this album Bright Eyes seems to hit on a great mix of his insightful lyrics and a more roots-alt country sound and I am right on board with him. The highestlight is First Day of My Life.3. My Morning Jacket Z
That voice!4. The Magic Numbers The Magic Numbers
I have been playing the hell out of this album. I’m not sure if it counts as indie but those voices and that laid back no worries rock sound are awesome.5. Ryan Adams Jacksonville City Nights
I won’t lie, I am a sucker for anything Ryan Adams puts out and I have yet to be disappointed with one of his releases. This album showcases his more mature lyrical style and a sound that is more akin to his early Whiskeytown work. G! says it’s country but I don’t mind.6. Kings of Leon Aha Shake Heartbreak
This is it kids, good old-fashioned booty shakin rock and roll.7. The Black Keys Rubber Factory
It’s hard to believe that two white guys are putting out a sound like this. These tunes burn down the house around you.8. Ryan Adams Cold Roses
Again Ryan Adams hits one over the fence. I’ve heard over and over again that he should have reduced this to one disc but what would you get rid of?9. The Decemberists Picaresque
G! hates Colin’s voice and therefore refuses to listen to this album but I love the intelligence of these songs.10. Bright Eyes Digital Ash in a Digital Urn
Because sometimes I’m in the mood for something inorganic.11. The White Stripes Get behind me Satan
Jack White is a guitar god musical genius and he has a sweet mustache goatee combo.12. Death Cab for Cutie Plans
So what if they are slowly becoming the Postal Service, I like them to. Anyway this album is worth it just for I will follow you into the dark.13. Wilco A Ghost is Born
Nels Cline has huge hands. The incorporation of noise rock is interesting but maybe a little less on the next album. That said this is a great collection of songs.14. Iron & Wine and Calexico In the Reins
I’m tempted to move this into the top five since I have two live shows that are amazing. They really bring these songs to life on stage. NPR still has a show up that everyone should have. That version of The Trapeze Swinger is sublime.15. Spoon Gimme Fiction
I turn my camera on is on this album.16. Bloc Party Silent Alarm
This album is great it is really immediate rock and roll.17. Rogue Wave Descended like Vultures
18. Sun kil Moon Tiny Cities made of Ashes
Mark has taken these songs from Modest Mouse. These album has some really beautiful moments and has me chomping at the bit for his next collection of originals.19. Son Volt Okemah and the Melody of Riot
20. Doves Some Cities
21. The Spinto Band Nice and Nicely done
22. Mark Geary Ghosts
One of my favorite songs of the year is on this album.23. Andrew Bird And the mysterious production of eggs
24. Antony and the Johnsons I am a bird now
25. Wolf Parade Apologies to the queen mary
26. Go! Team Thunder Lightning Strike
27. The Bravery S/T
I love 80’s rip off dance rock, Fuck you hipsters.28. Dangerdoom The mouse and the mask
Crap is this the only rap album on this list? MF Doom’s latest album almost made it and Dangermouse can do no wrong.29. Gorillaz Demon Days
30. James Blunt Back to Bedlam
I know it’s cheesy stuff but I can dig it.Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Nike dunks or another damn shoe post

The Jordans are doing very well thank you. After several days of cradling them in my arms many hours a day I resolved to put them on and actually wear them around. They are awesome. I got several comments on them at school and at a party I wore them to. I've spend many hours with the card that came with them that shows all of the Jordan reissues and I think that I'll eventually have to buy a white pair of the Jordan IV's. I may have to wait until my wife makes us rich but it will be done, as to whether I'll wear them...
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Plumbing sucks

Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Bestbuy no longer

Check out my latest purchase from the dollar store. I just didn't feel right leaving our lord and savior on the shelf. Now there are a couple of things you have probably noticed; our lord is going for a measly two bucks, he is proportioned like a gorilla and you can also get the rest of the gang. I think Moses will be next for me.
We stopped by bestbuy today and I realized something, bestbuy doesn't carry the music I listen to. My job was to buy Shelby a cd by someone he's never heard but I think he would like. Bestbuy didn't carry my first three choices. I believe my question to G! was "When did bestbuy stop carrying the music I listen to?" alas, she had no answer for me. Maybe we are just to cock.
I also need to say that I got okryan the most kick ass birthday present and if he acts disappointed when he opens it I will punch him in the nut sack.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Christmas music

The worst thing about my new job is the fact that they play Christmas music continually. It is impossible to escape. And it isn't even really good Christmas music, there are about 20 different songs that they play over and over and occasionally throw in a little better caliber tune. After eight hours yesterday the highlights were: Two Elvis songs, one James Taylor, and That George Michaels Christmas song. Here is a cover of it for you to enjoy. Jimmy Eat World - Last Christmas . I have been informed that after Christmas season we switch to country music which I would welcome at this point.
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Baomi gift ideas
Friday, December 16, 2005
Pee Wee

Yesterday LB saw santa, actually we saw santa riding a bike along sheridan in Tulsa on Monday but yesterday Santa came to LB's class. When asked what santa had said,expecting a ho ho ho he told me that santa said "hey you puppy put your shirt on".
A Handicap parking sign does not signify that this spot is for handicapped people. It is actually in fact a warning, that the spot belongs to Chuck Norris and that you will be handicapped if you park there.
I strongly believe that Chuck Norris has an answer for every question and a proper reaction to any stimuli.
BTW laser pointers are very popular with the thieves at the ACE in sapulpa. And okryan and i will soon be sporting sweet vintage ACE work wear. You will all be envious and want to get second jobs. Do it mon.
Thursday, December 15, 2005
A new direction

G! says i never post about anything but chuck anymore so here is my attempt at change.
They say when a bear is chasing a group of people, you don't have to outrun the bear, but only have to be faster than the slowest person. If Mr. T is chasing you, you're dead no matter what.
Mr T went back in time and became his own father, so that he would inherit his own sence of pity.
Think about that last one... that shits deep.
Mr. T once appeared on the show, Fear Factor, not as a contestant, but as a stunt. There were no winners and 6 deaths on the show that day. Mr. T has not been invited back.
Every link of gold around Mr. T's neck represents 7 fools that he pitied, and then ate.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Chuck and Wolverine?

Sunday, December 11, 2005
The Lowdown

I guess by now everyone(okryan) has seen our draw for the World Cup. Don't despair it's only the second hardest group we could have drawn. Most people in the know are saying that with six months to prepare Bruce will come up with a plan to beat The Czech Republic(the number two team in the world). Italy is next, we've lost to them everytime we've played them in world cup matches(5times). Ghana is another really decent team. The worst news is that if we do win our group we would probably play Brazil(and you know what that means). But we are due for some upsets so I'll be staying up late this summer watching the matches(in hi def with okryan).
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Lesson for the day

Check this out
Chuck Norris doesn't shave, he kicks himself in the face. Only Chuck Norris can cut Chuck Norris.
It's been a long day, good night.
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Get down get down

Hey Baomi I found this cool research study for you. Read the recruitment section and watch out for amateur night. I'll be there to support you if you want, with both hands on my eyes!
Another day at the hardware store. Mainly watching videos right now but I did get a pair of gloves and a back belt. Things are looking up.
Low Boobs and Carla Bruni

Look G! i found another picture for you to use the next time you post on Carla. How old was she when she was with Mick? 12?
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Hey Mon
We are not true fans

Here we go with another Morrissey post but as you can see I could be worse. I really don't think I would regret getting any of these pieces. The portrait may be a bit much but I don't know... it is Morrissey. Maybe we should head down to the friendly neighborhood tattooist.
The only music related piece I've ever seriously considered was a "ritual" tattoo on the back of my neck. I still think that would be cool but nowadays I'm probably not hardcore enough to pull off that look.
Shake your fist has several cool mp3's from the French band SAW.
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Devendra is a folkie

I'll be honest and say that I either really like Devendra's stuff or can't listen to it. I will admit that sometimes it takes me repeated listenings to really get into something and I just haven't with a lot of Devendra;a music. But here is one track that I know I like. Devendra Banhart : Heard somebody say enjoy it.
Monday, December 05, 2005
Something for everyone

It has been brought to my attention that all I blog about is Chuck Norris, Iron & Wine and Morrissey. What's wrong with that? Well in an effort to branch out here is something that everyone who lived through the eighties and nineties and was aware of music can appreciate. Here is an excellent mash up that I picked up somewhere featuring NWA and Nirvana.
NWA Vs. Nirvana: Smells Like Compton
NWA was a big part of my teenage years. like most suburban white boys I was drawn to this alien world of gangstas and hos. They were the perfect soundtrack to teenage rebellion. The thumping beats and incessant profanity were perfectly designed to piss of parents. To this day I can still rap along to most of NWA's Straight outta Compton. Word.
Nirvana, what can I say. Everyone loved Nirvana. Even when they were big you could still like them and be cool. It may be blasphemy but I was always more of a Pearl Jam guy. I'm not sure what that says about me but I did own Nevermind and Bleach.
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Finally, a place in hell for me and my friends

Alright, here it is There is a place in hell for me and my friends by the man we all love, Moz. He smiles down upon you from a place of superiority.
Stand back ladies

Little Girl: "Look at the horses mommy."
Me and okryan:"Chuck isn't hung like a horse, horses are hung like chuck."
Little Girl: "Mommy i'm scared"
Overweight mullet wearing mother: "Don't be honey, they're right."
Chuck Norris fact of the day: Chuck Norris once ate two 72 oz. steaks in one hour. He spent the first 45 minutes having sex with his waitress.
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Lookin for Iron & Wine

So Much Silence has the downloads from the NPR Iron & Wine /Calexico show. I can't stress what a great set everyone put up. I can't imagine how G! fell asleep during the show(she missed half of the joint set).
PG Grant and I went to lunch at Coney I-lander today and put down some coneys. PG told an absolutely hilarious story about his roommate and Chuck Norris. I demand that he recount it in the comments or start a blog of his own.
I received my stuff from the Elvis Insiders club today, the pin rocks and I have an official card to put in my wallet. Wearing sweet Elvis cufflinks to a wedding actually paid off.
Chuck Norris fact: Chuck sold his soul to the Devil for his rugged good looks and unparalleled martial arts ability. Shortly after the transaction was finalized, Chuck roundhouse kicked the Devil in the face and took his soul back. The Devil, who appreciated irony, couldn't stay mad and admitted he should have seen it coming. They now play poker every second Wednesday of the month.
Friday, December 02, 2005
There is a place in hell for me and my friends

I watched Morrissey Live in Dallas tonight. I found it up in the attic with a bunch of other movies. Moz is the man, he was lookin way cool in his work boots, jeans and fuckin gold lame shirt(which eventually got ripped to shreds by overzealous fans). He put on a great show. I know G! and i have spent hours upon hours with Morrissey and The Smiths. I hope sumobeats is still rocking The More you ignore me the closer i get poster. We should all take a moment to worship his greatness. Direct you praise to this download Morrissey - There is a place in hell for me and my friends (link is down)
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Chuck Norris has a posse

By the way when Chuck says "I'll just make this out to John" your name becomes John
Chuck Norris fact of the day: Rather than being birthed like a normal child, Chuck Norris decided instead to punch his way out of his mother's womb. Shortly thereafter he grew a beard.
Iron & Wine and Calexico live on NPR

Is everyone listening to this awesome show? Sam just played The Trapeze Swinger!! I am kicking myself for missing this show when it came to town... but the wedding was fun.
Ohhhh a Velvet Underground cover, tooooooo sweet!
Sweet Baby Jesus, Sam just did a Willie Nelson cover!!
Chuck Norris fact of the day: Chuck Norris' tears cure cancer. Too bad he's never cried.
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Attack of the tiny ladybug

How, you may ask, can such a beautiful innocent creature of god cause two grown women to go into a full on freak out? I'm not sure but while okryan and I were catching up on the goings on in the bundesliga Em jumped up from her seat screaming "get it off, get it off" which prompted G! to rocket out of her seat on the couch and fly over to Em, who was bent forward shaking her hair at okryan. G! screamed in sympathy as she attacked the poor ladybug that had gotten caught in em's hair. Once the culprit was dispatched G! made it clear the it haden't ben killed mearly spanked. When the excitement ended okryan proclaimed that if I didn't put this incident on my blog then he would be forced to update his lame ass blog. In all fairness it has been undetermined how much wine had been consumed at this point in the evening, I know I had already had two fajitas.
By the way, Lua is right, Eux Autres are pretty kick ass. Gorilla Vs. Bear has three of their tracks up right now. (Sarah, Download 'Other Girls" before it shows up on your next mix tape)
In other news from Tuesday I had a job interview. In said interview when asked what my dream job would be okryan quickly replied "Fluffer" while I fought to hold back my first three ideas, Porn star, video game tester or candy taster.
Another question was something like "which of my employers did I most admire"? My answer was Bill Alberding. I'm going to put it out there and just say that I love the guy. I think I touched on the fact that he made me feel like family, he would never ask you to do something he wouldn't do, he knows something about everything, he didn't make you feel like an idiot if you didn't know something and he was always willing and able to teach me new things. What didn't come up was the fact that he has one of the greatest moustaches in the united states. Maybe BJ will hook me up with a picture of it that I can post so that you all can bask in its magnificence.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Captain Kirk set phasers on spank
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Handle me with care
Please remember me

This song by Iron & Wine is a gem. It has been rolling around in my head for the last week demanding that I listen to it again and again(G! is about sick of it). It is just a beautiful haunting story song that really makes me want to practice my guitar so I can play a shitty song half as good as it. I have a feeling that this may be a cover since I've never heard it before and own everything by Iron & Wine. Here it is for you to obsess over The Trapeze by Iron & Wine.
Holy night, nothing feels right.

Well thanksgiving is behind us. I had a lot of fun. I will say that a game of basketball right after dinner is a terrible idea, even though okryan and i dominated. From the discussion that took place at the table during dinner I can only conclude that okryan will soon be living on a farm or planting a forest in his living room and pecans will be involved. Maybe the funniest part of the day was watching okryan squirm while Jim told him the history of every chainsaw he had ever owned... fascinating. The food was great, my stomach punished me for the dairy I ate but it was worth it. I kept thinking that we would more than likely be far far away next thanksgiving, kinda sad I know.
Today G! was up at 4:00 to snag all of the great deals. I spent a good solid hour folding socks. The kids and I put the tree together and put on the lights while listening to the Sufjan Christmas eps and that crazy Arcade Fire x-mas album. In honor of the holiday season here is a classic for you Sufjan's That was the worst Christmas ever. Enjoy.
I did contemplate doing another shoe post because i have more to say about awesome shoes i've owned or will own in the future but i didn't want to put most of you to sleep.
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Deep in my heart I will remember you

Sorry my last post was interrupted by an amazing deal. I'm not sure but oldham444 just bought a size 9.5 Nike Jordan V's!!! I've wet myself, again. Anyway I would be remiss if I didn't mention the pair of shoes currently on my feet. This pair of nike presto worlds have been in the family for about three years now and show no signs of stoppin. I got them at the nike outlet near Austin, TX and have gotten every cent out of them. G! is laughing at my vans from high school, she has no love for the shoes. It's not a fetish, it's a disease. And for the record she owns more pairs then I do. I think I'm going to have to do a count.
I plan on posting on the new Ryan Adams disc 29 in the next day or two. Quick preview "It's good stuff" you Ryan Adams haters back off.
I wanna make you mine

Well since sumobeats brought it up I guess I could reminisce on my favorite pair of shoes ever. Yea, back in the basketball season of '90 I sported the Jordan V's. They are far and away the coolest shoes I've ever owned followed by those leather vans from highschool, the cole haan loafers from junior high and the red and black vision streetwear hightops. And of coarse the crazy white yellow and gray air force's I had previous to the jordan's. I've spent many I late night on ebay trying to bid on a pair of the retro jordan V's(issued in 2000) but to no avail. I've even considered selling my retro Jordan I's but...Oh shit, I just found a pair for a really good price!!